AWM Instruments is your trusted source for Seametrics Environmental Sensors.

Seametrics, a member of the TASI Flow Group, is a designer and manufacturer of a variety of flow metering and submersible sensor products. Since 1990, Seametrics provides innovative solutions to users in irrigation, fracking, water & wastewater, environmental, and processing applications. Seametrics’ products have a reputation for durability and accuracy at a competitive price.

Explore Seametrics’ Wide Range of Environmental Sensors and Flow Meters

  • Seametrics Water Quality Sonde

    Multi-Parameter Sonde

    Combines up to three Seametrics Smart Sensor probes in a single, easy-to-deploy, unit. Depending on configuration the MultiParameter Sensor can measure pH, ORP, temperature, conductivity, salinity, TDS, pressure, level, dissolved oxygen or turbidity.

  • TURBO-Tubidity Smart Sensor with Data Logging

    TURBO-Turbidity Sensor and Data Logger

    Turbidity is a measure of clarity of a water body and is related to erosion and sedidentation which impact streams and lakes. Causes of high turbidity include soil erosion, wastewater discharge, urban runoff, farming/forestry practices, eroding stream banks and excessive algae growth.

    This industry standard digital RS485 interface device records over 250,000 records of turbidity, temperature, and time data, operates with low power, and features easyto-use software with powerful features.

  • Seametrics Submersible Water Quality Probe For Coductivity and Salinity

    CT2X Conductivity | Salinity | TDS | Temperature

    Significant changes (usually increases) in conductivity may indicate that a discharge or some other source of disturbance has decreased the relative condition or health of the water body and its associated biota. Generally, human disturbance tends to increase the amount of dissolved solids entering waters which results in increased conductivity. Water bodies with elevated conductivity may have other impaired or altered indicators as well.

    The CT2X Smart Sensor is a microprocessor-based submersible conductivity/temperature sensor with built-in data logging. This device stores thousands of records of conductivity, temperature, salinity, and total dissolved solids (TDS).

  • TempHion Water Quality Sensor with Datalogging

    TempHion (pH/ORP (Redox) ISE

    The TempHion™ Smart Sensor is a microprocessor-based submersible sensor with built-in data logging, storing thousands of records in non-volatile memory. The pH/ORP version measures pH, ORP (Redox), and temperature. The ISE version measures bromide and temperature.

  • DO2 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor and Data Logger

    DO2 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor and Data Logger

    All aquatic animals need DO to breathe. Low levels of oxygen (hypoxia) or no oxygen levels (anoxia) can occur when excess organic materials, such as large algal blooms, are decomposed by microorganisms. During this decomposition process, DO in the water is consumed. Low oxygen levels often occur in the bottom of the water column and affect organisms that live in the sediments.

    The DO2 Smart Sensor is the next generation in trouble-free oxygen sensing design. Utilizing fluorescence of a stable, immobilized ruthenium-based film matrix, the sensor provides precision optical transmission and detection to measure oxygen concentration in the fluid outside of the sensor.

  • e Seametrics T1 and T1R submersible temperature sensors

    T1 - Submersible Temperature Sensor

    Temperature is an important indicator of the general condition of a water body and the ecosystemit supports. Some of the factors that can cause change in temperature of a water body are weaher, riparian shade, waer level, dams, industrial discharge and stormwater.

    The Seametrics T1 and T1R are highly accurate, submersible temperature sensors. They are available in both a recording and a non-recording version. Communicating either via Modbus® RTU or SDI-12, these temperature sensors are versatile and easy to use.

  • PS98i and PS9800 Submersible Pressure Transmitter

    PS98i/PS9800 Pressure Transducers

    These Submersible Pressure Transmitters are rugged and accurate with great noise immunity, transient protection, and thermal performance. These pressure sensors have been designed to provide trouble-free submersible operation in liquid environments.

    Pressure is measured with an extremely rugged and stable piezo-electric, media isolated pressure element and calibrated with well established calibration procedures and NIST traceable equipment.

    Both the PS98i and the PS9800 measure pressure, while the PS9800 can be configured at the factory to measure temperature.

  • PT12 Submersible Pressure Transducer and Temperature

    PT12 Digital Pressure Transducer

    The PT12 Pressure/Temperature Sensor has been designed to provide trouble-free submersible operation in liquid environments. This sensor communicates via SDI-12 (v1.3) or Modbus® RTU (RS485)protocol.

    This industry standard SDI-12 device is easy to interface with SDI-12 recorders and can be daisy-chained on one cable up to 200 feet, making it a preferred choice for many environmental professionals with existing SDI-12 systems.

  • Stainless steel water pressure sensor with blue cable

    PT2X Pressure and Temperature Data Logger

    The PT2X Smart Sensor is an integrated data logger and pressure/temperature sensor and is ideal for monitoring groundwater, well, tank, and tidal levels, as well as for pump and slug testing.

    This sensor networks with all of the Seametrics Smart Sensor family. IThe PT2X is a microprocessor based digital intelligent sensor designed to measure and record pressure, temperature, and time, using low power, battery operated circuitry.

  • Seametrics LevelSCout and BaroScout Sensor for Measuring Level and Barometric Pressure

    LevelSCOUT 2X

    The LevelSCOUT 2X Smart Sensor is an integrated datalogger and level/ temperature sensor and is ideal for site assessments, tidal studies, environmental monitoring, surface water discharge measurement, and aquifer level monitoring, as well as aquifer storage and recovery.

    An absolute sensor, requiring no vent tubes, desiccant, or bellows. It can be paired with a BaroSCOUT 2X barometric sensor and used with Aqua4Plus 2.0 Barometric Compensation Utility to adjust the LevelSCOUT 2X readings for current atmospheric pressure.

  • BaroSCout 2X Barometric Pressure Sensor with Datalogging

    BaroSCOUT 2X

    The s BaroSCOUT 2X Smart Sensor is designed to measure barometric pressure, along with temperature. It is an ideal companion to Seametrics’ absolute pressure/level sensors and can be used to adjust their readings for atmospheric pressure.

    This industry standard digital RS485 interface device records up to 100,000 records of pressure, temperature, and time data, operates with low power, and features easy-to-use software with powerful features.

  • PT12-BV Barometric & Vacuum with Modbus & SDI-12 Interface

    PT12-BV Barometric & Vacuum Sensor

    The PT12-BV measures pressure, temperature, and supply voltage.

    The weatherproof box is an ideal barometric reference for absolute pressure sensors.

    This version features both an SDI-12 interface and a Modbus® RTU interface that makes the product easy to connect to recorders and operates on low power. (Use this device with SDI-12 absolute level sensors)

  • PT2X-BV Barometric & Vacuum with Datalogging

    PT2X-BV Barometric Sensor and Data Logger

    The PT2X-BV is a special version of the PT2X designed to measure barometric and vacuum pressure in reference to absolute pressure, along with temperature and time. It will measure pressure/vacuum from 600 to 1100 millibars.

Industrial Magnetic Flow Meters

  • Seametrics Magnetic Flow Meters

    Inline Electromagnetic Flow Meters

    Battery or External Power Options, Flow Proportional pulse and 4 - 20 mA Output Available Depending on Model.

  • Seametrics Insertion Series Magnetic Flow Meters

    Insertion Electromagnetic Flow Meter

    Adjustable and Fixed Depth Insertion Electromagnetic Flow Meters. Ideal for Clean, Dirty or Conductive Liquids, Municipal, Industrial and Irrigation Applications. Available Pipe Size 3 to 48 Inch Depending on Model.

  • Seametrics WMP Series Plastic Bodied Magmeter

    Plastic Body Electromagnetic Flow Meter

    Battery or External Power Options. Ideal for Industrial Wastewater | Grey Water | Irrigation | Groundwater and Mining. Available for 1, 2 and 3 Inch Pipe Size.

  • Seametrics FT400 Series Rate and Total Indicator

    Rate and Total Indicator and Controllers

    Rate and Total indicator/transmitters that interface with pulse output flow sensors to compute and display flow rate, flow total, and also generate output signals representing flow.

  • Seametrics PC Series Power Supplies

    Optional Power Supplies

    Dual regulated power supply compatible with all Seametrics flow meters and other devices operating on 12 or 24 volts DC.