A BIG Thank you to our customers for helping us share their amazing work with the rest of the world. This page is dedicated to all our customers that share photos of their installation with us. We are proud to show and tell the rest of the world the amazing job each of them do.
To learn more about each of them, please visit their website provided at the end of each section.
Satellite Telemetry
Gauging Station- Rupumeica River, Chile
Gauging Station- Rupumeica River, Chile
Satellite Internet Telemetry System
System shown here was installed in an extremely remote area and it is monitoring water level in a stream, ambient temperature and rainfall.
The system is battery operated and operates unmanned 24/7. Data is available online, the system is configured to report data once every hour.
Photo Credit: Azimut Ingeneria LTD
Website: http://azimutingenieria.cl/home/
Wireless Weather Station, Cellular Connectivity
Smart Wireless Weather Sensors
Weather Station Monitors Wind Speed, Velocity, Temperature.
Weather Station
Remote Monitoring Station
This photo shows a remote monitoring system, the system measures wind speed and direction and reports the data back to a cloud on a fixed interval. The cloud is easy to use and offer many features. This system transmit data via cellular.
Users have an account where they can login and access the data anytime from anywhere in the world. Contact us for more info.
Photo Credit: Youth Sailing Foundation of Indian River County
Website: https://ysfirc.org
Click here to view their wind conditions data provided by the remote monitoring system shown above.