Well Watch 700 Sonic Water Well Level Monitoring System
Brand: ENO scientific
Lead-Time: 2 weeks plus transit time
Measures water levels using sound waves, no risk of contamination
Complete well management and control, providing real time asset data
Simple external installation, no well decommissioning (prior or during)
Monitor levels in wells with caustic water without damaging the sensors, protecting equipment investments
Minimize or eliminate manual level measurements, reducing labor costs
Maintain well pressure while still obtaining real-time data
Customizable data, set reference point/update frequency/logging rate
Integrates easily with SCADA and other communications methods
Call/Email us to request pricing or to order this item
The Well Watch 700 is the world’s first and only commercial-grade sonic water level indicator designed for municipal, agricultural, and oil/gas applications. This system monitors water levels by sending a powerful acoustic pulse into the casing and doing a simple time/distance calculation on the reflection. Sonic sensors are externally mounted so there is nothing to lower into the well allowing it to operate on wells containing caustic water, oil or pressurized gas. Installation is simple and there is no yearly maintenance or calibration, eliminating the expensive initial and recurring fees common with other measurement technologies.
The Well Watch 700 was designed to be as adaptable as possible. The 700 easily monitors levels at any angle which also works for directionally drilled wells, such as deep mining wells that may change grades as the levels increase. The 700 will also provide accurate data in slant wells, such as this Desalinization Plant, that is installed at an almost horizontal grade. In this situation, the customers were unable to obtain accurate levels from the existing transducer without a fair amount of manual calculations because of the grade. The 700 was seamlessly integrated and is now providing real time data greatly reducing time and man power that was being spent on a single well.
Contact us to discuss your application and we will help you build the system that is ideal for your needs.
Real-time well levels (static, drawdown and recovery)
Complete data with easy acquisition
Enables well management and control capabilities
Protect the investment in well and pump equipment
Built in alarm capability in case of emergencies
No proprietary software or monthly fees
Comply with State and Local usage regulations
Level and Flow Monitoring
Resource Management
Pump System Control
Remote Telemetry
Intelligent Ground Water Management for Commercial Applications.
Designed to provide a complete management system. It will not only log and display water levels but can also take inputs from pulsed flow meters and includes two independently programmable relay contacts available for pump control or remote alarms. Data is calculated internally so there is no requirement for wifi accessibility or proprietary software. Communication with existing data and control equipment can be accomplished using the included RS232, RS485 (Modbus), 0-5V, 4-20ma (or optional Ethernet). Eno Scientific also has compatible cellular modems and solar kits for off the grid applications. The Well Watch 700 can measure anything between 1/2″ sounding tubes up to 24″ high volume wells and levels down to 7000ft with top mount turbine or submersible pumps. This meter is capable of reading levels in angled wells, through coiled pipe and around partial obstructions in the well.
For agricultural applications, the Well Watch 700 sonic water level sensor is being used to provide real time level data that is useful in the management of irrigation water. Know when to irrigate, how quickly the water supply is drawing down and how quick it recharges after the pump shuts off. For some growers there is even a correlation between the depth to water and the quality of the water so use of the 700 allows the grower to manage when and where they pump the well. The user can also incorporate flow data to get a complete picture of the well’s performance.